Sunday, November 29, 2009

i've been lazy.

but i should really get goin.

pj's message today about darkness hit home. this morning before church, i was just about to fall into it all over again: depression. it's not really something you "fall into", but it felt like i was just two breaths away from letting it take over me again like last year.

i still feel like it's very, very close. the thing about fighting against depression is that, once you're in it, or are getting "into" it, you have no hope about ever winning. so you give up, cause it's all to no use anyway. it's so self-defeating, so deadly, so deceiving.

i really do wish spring and summer would come sooner. winter just has never been a good season for me. EVER. i really don't understand what it is about this time of year that just makes things so much harder than it should.

one of the things about satan is that, once he gets a foothold on you, he does all he can to keep it there. and for the past 2-3 weeks, i've just let him do just that. i just let him.

darkness begets darkness. the longer you let it sit within you, the greater hold it's going to have on you. i didn't bother to take care of things when i should have rebuked them ASAP, and these things have slowly sapped my life away, to the point where i have started entering dangerous waters by asking myself, "what's the point? does it all matter? do i matter?"


i've heard it a million times before, but it didn't hit me until now (and i'm glad that i realize it now). for all that work darkness puts in to take over a part of your heart, once light enters, it doesn't stand a chance. once light shines, it's OVER.

have you ever seen a shadow wrestle with the light?
when you turn on the light in a dark, dark room, does the darkness resist? could it resist?

i need that kind of total, overwhelming, complete victory.
i need to claim it.

help me, jesus, cause i just can't do this myself.

dayseized post 9.

Friday, November 20, 2009


'nuff said. :p

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

God is BIGGER...

than THIS.

so chillax. it's gonna be alright.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

haven't really blogged in a while

...and i won't for another while. :p

but here is some other stuff.

dayseized post 5.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

just cause i want it recorded somewhere. :)

dayseized post 3.

dayseized post 2.

dayseized post 1.

quote of the...week?

"God is speaking. Not God spoke, but God is speaking...
He fills the world with His speaking Voice."
.................................................................- A. Z. Tozer

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


am i supposed to respond to this, God?

Saturday, November 7, 2009

SABBATH 11.07.09!! <3

i had a very lovely day with the lovely miss sareen tak. God is doing a good work in the both of us, and i can't WAIT to see what he has in store. :) let's go on more dates together, yeah? :)
kitty kept bothering me while i was readin them holy word. i snapped a picture of her. :)

I put my heart in Your hands
Don't let go, don't let go
You hold my everything
Be gentle, be gentle

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Voice Calling Out

A voice of one calling:
"In the desert prepare the way for the LORD;
make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God.

And the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
and all mankind together will see it.

For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."
.....................................................[Isaiah 40:3, 5]

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

spiritual gifts. just thought i'd put it out there. :)

i've taken this test a couple of times, and it sounds pretty accurate. don't trust it 100%, cause your gifts are something you discover along the way and many of them are still hidden/dormant. i've taken it once two years ago and again last month, and dang so much has changed for the better. :)

explanations of results are here:

administration................15 ................16
apostle ........................... 15.................17
discerning of spirits .......15 ................16
evangelism ......................11 ................15 ................ 4
ekballism .........................5 ................ 9
exhortation .................... 13................ 14
faith ..............................16 ................20 ................ 4
giving ............................12................ 20 ................ 8
healing ............................13 ................12
helps ............................. 16................ 18
hospitality ...................... 17 ................17
intercession ................... 12 .................14
interpretation of tongues 0 ..................0
knowledge ...................16 ................20 ................4
leadership .......................13 ................ 15
mercy ............................15 ................19 ................4
miracles ..........................10 ................12
missionary ..................18 ................20
prophecy .........................13 ................13
service ............................ 14 ................17
shepherd ......................16 ................18
teaching .......................15 ................19................ 4
speaking in tongues ........ 2 ..................3
voluntary poverty......10 ............... 18 ................8
wisdom ........................... 12 ................15

fall semester, sophomore year

fall semester, senior year

top 9 10/2009:
20 faith
20 giving
20 knowledge
20 missionary
19 mercy
19 teaching
18 helps
18 shepherd
18 voluntary poverty

sounds about right, especially that last one. :)