Monday, March 21, 2011


i think i might be getting a bit sick
11:25 PM
woke up with a sore throat + runny nose today
11:25 PM
either i slept funny
11:25 PM
or i'm actually getting sick
11:25 PM
no bueno :p

Susan Kim
11:26 PM
oh noooo
11:26 PM
eat chipotle every day
11:26 PM
and lot fatty goodies like
11:27 PM
ice cream and chips and stuff
11:27 PM
just eat lots!
11:27 PM
that's the best cure!
11:27 PM

Joanne Kim
11:27 PM
11:27 PM

Susan Kim
11:28 PM
11:28 PM
i gots evidence
11:28 PM

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Do you have any comments on the role of art in the church?

"The role of art in the church... Art and beauty are God's ideas. They are His means of expressing His divine nature. The church should never see the arts as "worldly," but rather a means for expressing and proclaiming His glory! How amazing it must have been during the era of church history when patrons commissioned great works for the glory of God. Christopher and I would heartily agree with an article in Time magazine that stated, "Church and art today are scarcely on speaking terms. Yet Christianity was once a great patron of all the arts, and artists in turn enriched the faith. The church must 'reassume its ancient and proper responsibility and productivity with reference to all the arts,' an undertaking that 'it could well begin by purging its own arts [of the] insipid or precious or esoteric or sentimental.'"

- Greg Laurie, Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship

Friday, March 11, 2011

i just...

...want to do ERRTHANG.