Wednesday, February 24, 2010

this song gives me chills...

「夜鷹の夢」- Do As Infinity
Dream of the Nighthawk

夜の闇に紛れ 僕ら低空で飛び続けた
Hiding beneath the dark night, we fly close to the ground.
月は何も知らず 低くエンジンが響いてた
The moon knows nothing while our engines hum softly.

そこにどんな人が 暮らし笑い合っているのでしょう
I wonder - what kind of people live and laugh there?
そこでどんな夢が 生まれ育まれていたのでしょう
I wonder - what sorts of dreams are born and raised?
地図に示された 名も読めない街
A town, whose name we can't pronounce, marked on the map
Tonight, the banners of justice will fly.

生きとし生けるもの全て 焼き尽くす紅蓮の火が 真下に流れる
Crimson flames consume all living things below
予定通り機首上げて 弾薬庫の蓋閉じて 勝利の旋回
Our planes rise, everything according to plan.
We close the hatch and let out a victory cry.

何も 見ない 何も 聞かず
Don't see anything. Don't hear anything.
何も 何も 何も 何も
Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all.

まるで祝うように 花火ささやかに打ち上げてる
Fireworks fly as if to celebrate
怒り嘆き悔やみ そして憎しみを受け止める
Anger, grief, condolence, and hatred...we accept it all.

朝日より早く まぶしい光が
A bright light faster than the dawn's rays
Smash the glass into pieces without warning.

生きとし生けるもの全て 同じ色真紅の血が 胸から流れる
Crimson blood that flows in all living things
flows from their chests.

力なく握る操縦桿 振り向き叫んでみても 誰も答えない
Without strength, I cling to the handle and call out,
but there's no answer...

月が 遠く 霞み 消える
The moon vanishes into the faraway mist...
母も 父も 友も 君も
As does my friends...and you...

生まれた国が違うなら こんな砂漠の朝焼け 見ずに生きてゆく
Had we been born in a different place,
we would have lived on,
without seeing
the morning glow in a desert such as this.

暁の空に夜鷹が はぐれてもう戻れない 流れ星になる
Beneath the dawning sky, the nighthawk goes astray,
like a shooting star, never to return.

生きとし生けるもの全て 同じ色真紅の血で 命を育てる
All living things have the same crimson blood
the same blood that flows through their veins.

どんな正義をかざしても 流れ出る真紅の血を 止められはしない
No matter what banner of justice we wave,
we cannot stop the flow.

夢を 見てた 長い 夢を
I saw a dream...a long dream...
長い 夢を 長い 夢を
A long dream...a long dream...

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