Monday, March 8, 2010

i am such a pacifist. I HEART DAI.

楽園Paradise - Do As Infinity

誰もが 皆 知ってる、消せやしない傷を
Everyone knows what it's like to have wounds that won't heal.
どれくらい 続くの? もういらないよ
How much longer will they last? We don't need them anymore.

誰もが 皆 待ってる、争いのない日々を
Everyone is waiting for the day when there will be no more fighting
O, soldiers on the battlefield!
思い出してよ、今 母の温もりを
Remember your mother's warmth now!

この果てしなく 広い世界に
In this endless, wide, wide world
自分だけの地図 描いて
As we draw out our own maps
涙こらえて 僕等は 歩いてゆこう
We walk on, holding back our tears.

立ち上がれ今 ほら何度でも 眠れる獅子呼び起こして
Stand up now! Awaken the sleeping lion again and again!
生きてゆくんだ 明日へ
We are going to live on to tomorrow.

誰もが 皆 持ってる、一欠片の愛を
Everyone has a shard of love
憎んでも 何一つ 生まれないんだよ
Even if you hate, nothing comes from it

We don't need that kind of thing anymore...

In this bounded time
e set out in search an undiscovered paradise.
We'll walk no matter how far.

振り向かないで 前だけを見て
Don't look back! Look only ahead of you
その身体 朽ち果てるまで
Until your body fades away.
We are going to live on to the future.

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