Saturday, February 21, 2009

we'll see how this works.

blogger is definitely different from xanga. i feel like xanga takes too much effort to use, even though it's basically the same thing. i wonder why that is. :p

BUT, i don't really want to abandon xanga altogether. so. i suppose i'll have to figure out how to sync them together? :p

anyway. i'm totally not used to this write-out-your-thoughts-in-sentence-form thing, so i hope i'll have patience with myself and see what God has to show me through this new medium of worship.

...speaking of which. i think my primary medium of worship is silence (hence the blog title). how ironic, since it's what i've been running away from all my life. sigh. God. you's a funny. :)

so. a question out to you: what is your medium of worship?

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