Sunday, May 31, 2009

here it is FINALLY!! nic journal!! :D

i finally got a hold of pictures. thank you for patiently waiting!! :)

Missions to Nicaragua: Spring 2009.

This year, our team of 20 went to the new site of Cristo Rey to build a well for the less-than-a-year-old community that had been displaced by the floods in October.

It seems like it's out in the middle of the desert is.

The well we dug was supposed to be about 50ft deep. Just think about a five-story building.

From this...


and deeper.

We also built bathroom stalls so that people (especially women) won't have to risk being endangered.

In this community, there are a lot of children as the average households have three or more kids. Our team had an amazing time playing with them.

...or so I hear. "Where is Joanne all this time?" you may ask. Sad to say, I was not able to participate in digging the well or playing with the kids because of my weaksauce knees (I was banned from doing hard labor). I didn't even make a scratch in the well to say that I helped to dig it. But that entire week, this is what I did:

I am pointing at this:

While the majority of the team was out in the hot sun for hours at a time, Danielle and I spent all our time in shacks made out of metal plates and cardboard - in their homes. eye examinations and passing out reading glasses for free.

Danielle is a grad student in the Berkeley School of Optometry who came to Nic with us for the first time this spring. It was the first time anyone on our team could actively use our specialized skills for God's Kingdom. It was such a blessing to have her on our team, setting aside her own finances to pay for all 300 reading glasses out of her own pocket.

This is what every morning looked like as we drove into Cristo Rey after an hour-long drive: 30 to 40 people waiting for four hours since dawn to get their (and their friends' and family's) eyes checked. When we announced that we were going to hold free clinics, word spread like wildfire.

The first day was a little slow as the both of us were getting used to carrying out the examinations, but by the start of the second day, Danielle and I tag-teamed different stations to check up on over 150 patients by the end of the week.

After four days, we held a revival service. Earlier that day, the team went throughout Cristo Rey, visiting home to home and inviting families to join us for the service and the feast we were to hold - a feast of rice and beans and a HUGE pig that could feed more than plenty.

God had worked through our time and energy spent digging the well, playing with children and holding eye exams to soften the hearts of the people.

It was amazing to see, among the 200 or so men and women and children that came, many who brought their new glasses with them.

People in that community were so hungry for God, a God that pursues them, a God that seeks to love each and every one of them regardless of who they are or what they've done.

Our time in Cristo Rey was short, but not without God leaving a legacy. More than two hundred people were reached out to that week - and more to come with the completion of the well. Your open ears and hearts and hands to my story has made this possible. Thank you for being a part of my life, and I pray that God will continue to bring you and I closer together. :)

I hope to see the completed well this summer (my fourth time to Nicaragua!!) from July 5 to 18. God is continuing to expand His Kingdom in well as in the neighboring countries of Honduras and El Salvador. This time, Livingwater Church will be sending a team of four to these countries to scout for new locations to send future teams to build more wells and churches.

I can't WAIT to see how God will move this summer, how He will move His hand across Central America. :)

If you find it in your heart, please keep our team in your thoughts. Each one of us has to raise $2500 to provide for travel expenses, lodging, food and the like. If you would like to continue to participate in the Writing of this Story financially, you can make a donation on our church website (link below).

Please write, "This donation goes toward Joanne Kim's Nicaragua missions" under the "purpose" box at the checkout. (Ask me for the tax deduction code!)

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to email me at

Thank you for reading this and for being such a HUGE part of my life!! Totally unexaggerated! :)

Below is a copy of my journal entry while I was in Nicaragua. It might not make sense (after all, it was written mainly for my own sake), as it is a more raw account of what happened this spring. But feel free to take a peek into this crazy mind :)

march 22. sunday.

in the plane to el salvador.

i still can't believe that You've brought me to nic again for the third time. wasn't once enough? wasn't twice enough? why a third time?

this might be something i might not understand now, or in a year, or in ten years.
...but in good time, in Your time, You will reveal what You have kept hidden.

in Your time, Your glory will be revealed.

...what a thought. :)

[Isaiah 65: 17-19, 24]

17 Behold, I will create
new heavens and a new earth.
The former things will not be remembered,
nor will they come to mind.

18 But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create,
for I will create Jerusalem to be a delight,
and it's people a joy.

19 I will rejoice over Jerusalem
and take delight in my people;
the sound of weeping and crying
will be heard in it no more

24 Before they call I will answer,
while they are still speaking I will hear.

the word of the Lord. :)


7pm. first day in nic!

jj + tino + pastor cordon. :)

shotguns. after the rigged election in november 2008 that led to an opposition uprising, the political climate has been more and more sensitive and tense.

God, would you move in and beyond the system.

cristo rey. a community of 450 families whose homes have been destroyed by the flood last october. cardboard and metal plates serving as walls of this community deprived of electricity and clean water.

poso = well. posero = welldigger.

queremos ser poseros, SeƱor.

march 23. monday
. second day.

4:30am. no bug bites. PTL!! :)

in silence with Your Word:
In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world.
[John 16:33]

All I have is yours, and all you have is mine. [7:10]
10:30pm. WTC, God. WTC. :)

vision ministry. PTL for danielle!! :)
who knew that God would have me be a part of this.
maybe i should change my major. :p

God, would you make the blind see colors.

the drive. you use my weakness to shed light to others.
dinner talk with emily. what God has taught me.
nic sp2008: God has the power to do all he has promised.
nic sum2008: it is time for you to heal.

debrief: [2 Corinthians 12:1-10]
I must go on boasting.

why do bad things happen to good people?
= a thorn in my flesh
- to keep us humble.
- to make us dependent on Him.
- to demonstrate His grace.

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. [v.9]
Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses. For Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses. [v.10] For when I am weak, then I am strong.

i will hold on to the promises of God:
God will restore to the full what was lost and will bring restoration through me to the ends of the earth.

Where I go, You will go
Because You dwell in Your Temple

You dwell within me.

nic sp2008: God has the power to do all he has promised.
nic sum2008: it is time for you to heal.
nic sp2009: holding on to the promises of God.

PTL. :)

march 24. tuesday. third day.

8pm. revival at la iglesia nazarena de tipitapa!!

solo cristo.

did you know that God made a bet on you?
that God believes, trusts in you?

put on the full armor of God, not just the helmet of salvation.

11pm. panic.

i don't understand. what are you trying to teach me?

today was a hard, hard day.

1) girl who can't hear or speak.
i can't do anything to help her.
total powerlessness. nothing i can do...but to pray.

Do you believe that I could heal?

2) woman who can't walk or bear children.
i don't know what to say.
i don't know what to pray.

Do you believe that I could heal emotional wounds, but not physical ones?

3) pablo - coughing.
this is not what i expected/hoped for.
i wish things could have been different.

Do you believe that I could heal small physical ailments?
4) panic.
i can't control it. i can't do anything.
my body reacts to triggers.

Do you believe that I could heal?

Holding on to the promises of God.
God will restore to the full what was lost and will bring restoration through me to the ends of the earth.

...i'm so tired. what a day.

march 24. wednesday. fourth day.

1am. WTC. thanks for joey. what a brother. :)

job. suffering. death. two jewels.

if adam and eve never sinned,
there would be no death.

if there was no death,
there would be no resurrection.

if adam and eve never sinned,
we would never have been able to see
the full extent of God's love.

...what a Mighty God we serve.
The Lord gives and the Lord takes away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.

1pm. cancer hospital for children.
God, they are so beautiful.

Your eternal life begins when you come in.
Death has been defeated. PTL.

9pm. debrief.

how do you begin your day?

God doesn't evaluate us in how much we do,
but in how much we rest in Him.

it is God who does everything.
He begins our day for us.
We wake up to a work in progress.

11:26pm. planting seeds. tomorrow is a BIG day. D-Day.

clinic. checked about 70 people so far.
praise God for danielle. a Godsend. :)

healing. i still don't understand.
teach me. help me understand.

march 26. thursday. fifth day.

8:30pm. i don't understand the gifts of the Spirit.
but i don't want gifts. i want You.

i'm not satisfied. i want more of You.

i wonder what will happen to that deaf and mute girl.

i don't want to see to believe.
i want to believe. and see.

i didn't touch the well at all. bummer?

i don't want my walk with You to be like others'.
i want my walk with You to be mine.

10pm. God is just.

God has the best intentions for us.

maybe the girl and her mother didn't visit for them.
maybe it was for me.

You are just. God, You are just.

I don't understand why you do the things the way you do.
...but i trust (help me to trust) that all things are
in the palm of Your hand

girl who is deaf and mute.
i can't do anything to help her.
total powerlessness. nothing i can do...but to pray.

God has her life in His hands.
He is just, so don't worry.
He will reveal His glory in His timing. trust in His Justice.

...this is the way You speak to me. gloria a Dios.
Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in His life. [John 9:3]
march 28. saturday. seventh day.

12:50am. what a long day.

ventarron. kids are growing fast.

talk with june. :)

1:50am. last day! seventh day.

i give this trip...7/10 --> 8/10

building a solid layer
instead of a spiritual high.
-- stability?

7:30am. i came to nic expecting to see crazy things.
...but what i needed was not a emotional or spiritual high,
but a layer of solid foundation.

God, what is my next step?
...for Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path.

12:30pm. shopping + lake + AWESOME FOOD (thanks charlie!!)

i want to come back.
why? i don't know.
but i want to come back.

5:30pm. back on the plane.

what a week. i would have never imagined this week to turn out the way it did.

jj. tino. pastor cordon. pastor odel y aholibama.

ventarron. antonia. fatima. ana malana.

cristo rey. bryan. jenny. deaf and mute girl.

may they always be in Your hands.

"God is Just."
how will You reveal your glory at home?
how will You bring nic back to berkeley?

7:3opm. [Job 12:7-10]
7 But ask the animals,
and they will teach you,
or the birds of the air,
and they will tell you,

8 or speak to the earth,
and it will teach you,
or let the fish of the sea
inform you.

9 Which of these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?

10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.

march 29. sunday.

12:45pm. back at livingwater.

i traveled 3000 miles to learn that You are just.

where do i go from here?

i feel like i never left.
but something has changed.

5:30pm. last debrief.

i've learned the most from this trip
after i got back from nic.

PTL. :)

we know that You are doing a good work in us.
we want more.
i want more.
i don't want to settle for less,
but to delve deeper into You.

i give this trip a 10/10. :)


hi blogspot. you've known me for long enough. let me know when i get my sanity back. kthxbye.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

random stuff from high school senior english class.

on the importance of correct punctuation:

dear John I want a man who knows what love is all about you are generous kind thoughtful people who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior you have ruined me for other men I yearn for you I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart I can be forever happy will you let me be yours Gloria
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours?

Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you. I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?


"Missiles of ligneous or porous consistency have the potential of fracturing my osseous structure, but appellations will eternally be benign."

if anyone could figure out what this means, you get a high-five. :)


cleaning is hard. why? cause you gotta take all the junk out in the open before you could put things back in place.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

battleplan. :p

sigh. time to tighten the belt for nic.
so far i have $308 outta $2500? woot.

- no more sacks. they started charging tax!!! :(
- mooch offa mama's food. :)
- allowance of $20 a week.
- no buying new itunes songs til after nic.
- cancel netflix.
- find ways to sell books. stupid neds and student store. :p
- try to get more tutoring hours in.
- all money made through tutoring goes to missions.
- don't even THINK about that new pickup or mic or laptop.
- PRAY like omgah.

did i miss anything? :p

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

proof that God has given me joy.

the left is me a year ago at my first nic trip (march 2008).
the right is me is earlier this month (may 2009).

"what am i looking at?" you may ask. lookie at the red circle. :)

yep. that's right. i have a happy wrinkle from all the what-the-crazy amazing moments God made me laugh.
all in one year. PTL. :D

(you don't know how many times i tried to take this year's self-pic to get it to be at just the right lighting and just the right angle. kinda hard when you're not a pro self-picturer like steven lee. :p)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

although i don't really like chain mails :p

look at what mah mama sent me! :)


This is 'Faith'

This dog was born on Christmas Eve in the year 2002. He was born with 3 legs - 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which had to be amputated. He of course could not walk when he was born. Even his mother did not want him.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive and he was thinking of 'putting him to sleep'. But then, his present owner, Jude Stringfellow, met him and wanted to take care of him. She became determined to teach and train this little dog to walk by himself.

She named him 'Faith'.

In the beginning, she put Faith on a surfboard to let him feel the movement. Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and reward for him for standing up and jumping around. Even the other dog at home encouraged him to walk. Amazingly, only after 6 months, like a miracle, Faith learned to balance on his hind legs and to jump to move forward. After further training in the snow, he could now walk like a human being.

Faith loves to walk around now. No matter where he goes, he attracts people to him. He is fast becoming famous on the international scene and has appeared on various newspapers and TV shows. There is now a book entitled 'With a Little Faith' being published about him. He was even considered to appear in one of Harry Potter movies.

His present owner Jude Stringfellew has given up her teaching post and plans to take him around the world.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


i might have three finals on the same day next year. woot. :p

Monday, May 18, 2009

a message to you bloggers out thar.

hi update your blog please kthxbye. :)

one down, one left to go!

i just took my final without reviewing the last third of my semester's worth of notes. way to go joanne you BOSS!! :p

i can't wait to jam my heart out in the quiet of my room tomorrow.

Friday, May 15, 2009

what i found in cleaning my room, part 2.

aim low.
think small.
give up.
go have a cup of coffee.

ahem. to clarify. :p

tips for being like jesus.
aim low.
notice those who aren't in leadership position, those who are behind the scenes, those who are often overlooked/unrecognized.
think small.
sometimes it's the small, simple thing that really counts. you don't have to think of grand, exuberant plans to show them love.
give up.
be in the posture of giving up your time, your energy and your resources to serve and care for the needs of others.
go have a cup of coffee.
spend time with others over a meal or a cup of coffee.
food is a shortcut to the heart.

bethany dillon's facebook status on the mini-feed :D
"Good morning :) I've just been informed that I gave away American Idol results to my west coast friends...I AM SORRY!!!! I'll be better."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

who'd a thunk.

God expanded his Kingdom tonight through beer,
rum, vodka, enchiladas and diet coke. PTL. :)

...please don't try at home. :p

Monday, May 11, 2009

Diamonds in the Rough.

according to
Something that has hidden exceptional characteristics/future potential, but currently lacks the final touches that would make it truly stand out from the crowd.

The phrase is metaphorical and relates to the fact that naturally occurring diamonds are quite ordinary at first glance, and that their true beauty as jewels is only realized through the cutting and polishing process.

just a thought. wrote it down. the end. :p

i don't know if it's the Developer in me, but i'm more drawn to the rough diamonds than the cut, polished one. eh. :p.

i soooooooooo excited to see what God's going to do with his creation, how he's going to bring restoration, how he's going to rebring it back to him. yay!! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

i need to find my recorder. :p

the more i go through this week, the more i realize that
i am SO in need of God's grace.

why he would love someone like me,
i have NO IDEA.

i need Shalom in my life.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

what the heck am i doing.

i've failed a lot this week.

emily yang:
"but God's strength is made perfect in our weakness :)"

amen to that. :)

something i found while cleaning my room

God's will as your way of life.

Doing God's will is not about the future, but about right now.

Given my situation now, how do i follow God's will
at the present moment?

one more word.


the end. :(

one word.


the end. :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

stress sucks. :p

i don't care. i'm going to quote myself. :p

"things are just so ridiculous sometimes that i just have to laugh.
i hope you could greet and end your days with laughter. :)"

why is it that, in the times of the most stress and anxiety,
i find so much freedom and joy in just stopping everything
and bursting out in worship?

...i feel like that's a dumb question. like. it deserves a "duh".
whatever. i hope that i could find myself asking this more often.

i finally bought another set of earphones cause i lost mine yet again. and now i'm sitting on the floor in Dwinelle waiting for class to begin, blasting "All Creatures of Our God and King" over and over again, blah-ing my thoughts out while my worldly mindset yells at me to cram session this precious moment away.

i just want to sing. it's so hard to hold it in.
my heart about to asplode.

i haven't even had coffee today. :p

it feels good to just stop. and enjoy.

enjoy God,
enjoy what God has created, and
enjoy what God has created through his children.


All creatures of our God and King
Lift up your voice and with us sing
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia

Thou burning sun with golden beam
Thou silver moon with softer gleam
Oh, praise Him
Oh, praise Him
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Thou rushing wind that art so strong
Ye clouds that sail in heav’n along
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia

Thou rising moon in praise rejoice
Ye lights of evening find a voice
Oh, praise Him
Oh, praise Him

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

Let all things their creator bless
And worship Him in humbleness
Oh, praise Him, Alleluia

Praise, praise the Father praise the Son
And praise the Spirit three in one
Oh, praise Him
Oh, praise Him

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia



WOW. what the crazy.

striving to become the you God has created you to be,
not what would be considered successful in the world's eyes,
not settling for less when you could be your best,
not by your own power but tapping into the power of God,
reaching for and achieving your full potential. BAM.

if only the whole Body of Christ did that,
how powerful that would be. wow. ._.

May Your Kingdom move.

i love my church. <3

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

maybe i'm just too dense.

really? do you believe in me that much?

i want to hear what You have to say.
is this really the seed You have for me to grow?

"To walk out of His will is to walk into nowhere."
................................................- CS Lewis.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

...what just happened?

God's Humor

i hear, "you're super patient," a LOT. the point where i started saying it to myself.

...and it seems God's response to that was,
"you don't even know what Patience means".

today was a very...difficult day. i felt like God was trying to stretch my patience, the patience that i thought i had plenty of. turns out...still a long ways yet to go. sigh.

ps3 class. usually we end by 9:30, but today we went on for longer. eh. whatever. that's ok.

basketball. was waiting for someone to show up for a whole half hour, but it turns out that person decided not to come at all. ok. that's fine.

i come back home to take a shower before my 1pm class. turns out one of my aptmates (who's never at home during this time), went into the shower right before i came home. ok. fine. i'm going to play guitar meanwhile til she gets out.

12:35pm turns out that she didn't even know i was waiting for her, so she takes her sweet, sweet time. i finally knock, cause i need to print out my assignments from the language lab before class, cause mi printer ran out of ink, on the bottommost floor of dwinelle, cause the ground level lab's printer is broken. i take a 10-min shower, smash whatever i need into my backpack, and run to the language lab.

...and so i print my two assignments out, just to find out that they each printed on half a sheet so that the font size is like, super tiny. so i try again, this time fixing the page alignments. and tada! they print out on half a sheet yet again. sigh. fine. i'm just going to turn them in.

i run three flights of stairs so that i won't be late to class. during class i kept staring at my weaksauce printouts, and decide to go print them out again before my next class.

so i run down the three flights of stairs again to the language lab to try to print my pages for a third time. and fail again. BLAH. then i run back up those three flights of stairs to turn my assignments in, and run yet another flight of stairs to my next class.

i leave class and run to the bus stop to catch the 51. and it freakin doesn't come. it's supposed to come every ten minutes. i hate the 51.

finally get on the 51. and it's like hecka packed cause everyone's been waiting to get on this bus. get off at san pablo to wait for either the 72, the 72m, or the 52L.

...and i wait some more, cause all three buses just decide to not come at the same time. like. what the heck. AND, i see two 51s pass by right after i get off. sigh. i stand on the corner of university and san pablo, looking down both streets for any sign of mercy. sigh.

...and i was trying to go in and out of work early so that i could make it to the tbt concert, too. by this time, i start complaining in my head, kinda irritated.

...and i wait some more, until i see both the 52L and the 72 come at the same time. which one should i take? the 72 seems like it's going to come quicker, but the 52L takes me straight to work. i decide to take the 52L and let the 72 pass. FINALLY. gosh.

i'm hungry. usually i go to mcdonalds with half an hour to spare before work starts, but i guess i'm gonna have to forgo lunch for today. sigh. i'm going to be late.

the bus stops one stop before mcdonalds to let off passengers. then the car behind us stupidly forgets to stop and smashes into the back of the bus. sigh. the driver gets off the bus to report the accident, and passengers get off to walk the rest of the ways home. i get off, call my first client's mom to tell her that i'm going to be late. she says ok. i run the rest of the way to work. SIGH.

i get to my first client's place. her mom tells me that the 3rd graders are having their STAR test this week and asks me to prep her daughter, giving me a workbook to work with. and so i do...but the kid doesn't get it. i try hard not to snap at her from my foul mood, cause it's not her fault, and it's not productive. i hold it in for the hour, getting more and more impatient that she doesn't seem to understand what the problem is asking for. she keeps talking about something else, and i keep trying to bring her back to focus. JESUS.

plus this summer is on my mind, with nic and korea and everything. i don't know how much i could raise for nic this year, and so i'm planning on tutoring double-time for my finances. so while my kid is working i turn on my laptop to try and figure out my schedule for the summer so that i could tell her mom possible tutoring dates. and today of all days, the internet doesn't work. usually i could view my google calendar even when offline, but, today of all days, it decides to change into the offline mode screen. sigh. now i can't tell her mom anything.

time to go to my next client. my first client's mom gets upset that i only taught her daughter for half an hour and so i tell her that i'll just take half-price. she says no it's ok and adds an extra two bucks. sigh. and then the mom gets upset when i tell her that i'm going to be away for two months. she's like "missions? again??? you can't do this to me!!" seriously???

what a day. i spend more than an hour commuting and eight bucks from missing those 15 min of tutoring just to be semi-yelled at. sigh.

...and my next client doesn't seem to help. i don't even know why five-year-olds need to be tutored. it's obvious that he doesn't want to study, that he just wants to go outside and play. younger kids are so hard to deal with. i miss my high-schoolers. sigh. but somehow i manage to keep him sitting still for an hour.

my third client. a lifesaver. she's the same age as the first kid, but so much more cooperative. yay. ptl.

i told my mom to pick me up at 6:55pm so that i could make it back to church on time. i planned on getting out a couple minutes early, but as i mention that i'm available to tutor twice next week, her parents try to figure out how much to pay me. and so i don't want to rush them, but ya know...sigh.

mama gives me a little talk about how she's been waiting for fifteen minutes and then drives me off to church. and i don't know if it's because it's a rainy day, but everyone seems to be driving so slow today. anyway. mama gives me sushi she's bought for me as well as a t-shirt. i heart mah mom. :)

i get out of the car and get MAJOR WHIPLASH. i guess the aftershock of the bus accident started kicking in. sigh. i went into church and took my seat and listened to tim be told unleash their stuff.

...and they were good, but i think i would have enjoyed it more if my neck didn't hurt so much. sigh. and i bet it's going to hurt a lot more later in the week. sigh. in this season of all times. sigh.

the rest of the night was much, much better. i went to denny's (first ihop, cause someone told joey and me the wrong location) with tbt and some of the livingwater folks and had an AMAZING time laughing the night away.

today ended the way it did.

God's sense of humor amuses me sometimes. i feel i might have become prideful of my patience, and it was as if God was trying to stretch me by having all these things happen one after another after another after another, as if he was saying, "how bout this? and this? and this??"

i don't think God is cruel and sadistically enjoys watching his kids suffer, but i find him as a very patient (hello!) and very gentle Father watching his children grow to look more like him through all these trials and muck. as i laugh off the night looking back on what happened today, i'm sure that he was smiling over me, too.

what an out-of-the-box God we serve. yay. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

what a tiring emotion.


I want to see you
Lead me beside your quiet waters
Quell this storm within my heart
I want to see you

I want to see you
Lead me down the path for me
I’m distracted by what’s second-best
I want to see you

*Keep my eyes on You, Lord
Not to the things of this world
Or any other being
I lift my eyes up to the heavens, God
To be captured by your love
Enraptured by your presence


to do this week:
- tim be told
- ps3 homework
- wisex potluck
- meet pj
- q&a banquet
- j100 oral interview
- meet eunice
- j100 final
- ps143 bspace posts
- uc orchestra
- find recorder

Friday, May 1, 2009

what mah mama sent me. :)

Critical Swine Flu prevention tip:

Don't DO this!

ok. back to work. :)