Tuesday, July 28, 2009

how i contributed to world peace.

i caught and killed a mosquito with my bare hands. SAVAGE. :p

anyway. this past week has been...interesting. things are going pretty well with my dad. i've been his drinking buddy for almost a week now, and last night we had dinner at this pretty sweet restaurant, had some soju and walked off with banana milk. then we came home and opened a bottle of wine and some cheese, dried fruit and salami to accompany a movie...about wine. it's called "bottle shock", and it was quite the stuff! :p

i'm still not used to spending time with family. hanging out with my dad has gotten a LOT better in this past year alone, so it's still relatively new to me. but the guy knows a lot of random, interesting stuff, stuff that keeps me quite entertained. :p the other day, we went to the aquarium in the central mall area (it was freakin HUGE), and i waited and waited to see the sea turtles (obviously :p). when we saw one in one of those tunnel things with the fish swimming over us, i told him that i loved sea turtles cause they could fly underwater. he then told me about his zoo in japan that was on the brink of failing when someone had the brilliant idea of redesigning the zoo so that penguins could fly. (cause, you know, they're birds too?) they took the tunnel idea and made it so that people could see the real sky above the tunnel. then when the penguins swim by, they would be swimming with a backdrop of clouds and sun. quite the stuff, no? :)

this is what it looks like:

anyway. things are getting better between us. i was a little nervous when i heard that my sister ran away from home one morning (a different story), but things are a lot better than i imagined. i'm not freaking out, which is a HUGE deal. :p

thank you God for bringing me this far

on a different note, the longer i stay here, the harder it becomes. a lot of stereotypes i've had against korean people have been disproven, but many of them have been confirmed. it's a learning process, and quite the dificil one. i think the hardest part of it is being away from my livingwater family. i spend a lot of time by myself, which is fine, but it's different when i'm by myself in a different country with a different time zone. such a contrast to nic.

i'm reading a book called "boundaries" by henry cloud and john townsend. someone told me that i need to learn how to guard my heart, that i let people in too easily, that i need boundaries. then i stumbled upon this book, so i bought it (at full price because the used book stores didn't carry it. soooo expensive :p) to read while i'm here.

the longer i stay here, the more i think that God is trying to stretch this area in my life: learning how to pursue a relationship with Him more than with people. it's humbling, and i don't know where i'll even be in another week, but i guess it's something i must learn.

jesus help me amen.

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