Saturday, October 24, 2009

SABBATH 10.24.09!! <3

i think i had one of the BEST sabbaths EVER. :)

despite being in IMMENSE pain earlier today (from, say, 12:30am to 4:30? i think i had a spasm? weird. :p), God was DEFINITELY with me today. he gave me a song about dancing in the inner courts blah blah then finally let me sleep like the BEST sleep. AND, i naturally woke up half an hour before my alarm went off, which means that i wasn't interrupted today. :)

anyway. today i had the blessing of sharing my sabbath with the lovely miss june kim. we scheduled our coaching for today, which worked really well for the both of us (methinks :p). i wanted to go to the marina today, and since she's never been, i wanted to take her along with me.

after dropping mama off in oakland, i call june when i crossed the oakland-berk border, only to realize that it takes FREAKIN long to get to her place because of alskdjglkfjgsldkfjsd people driving at 10mph and laskjgldjflsdjfldsfkjdf people crossing the road whenever they feel like it. i hate driving in berkeley. =.=

ANYWAY. i pick june up at 11:15am and head off to cheeseboard, which is to open at 11:30. i pass by at 11:31, and there's already this HUGE line outside. june asks me if we could check out twig&fig sometime, and after failing at finding street parking, i park at andronicos, buy some hecka organic apple juice (dang it TASTES hecka organic mmmm :D), and decide to detour off to the twig&fig alleyway. might as well. :p

the last time i've been there was when i came with genaster. it was really good. just the ambiance of the place, the quietness, the chillaxedness. SO GOOD. june tells me she wants to learn how to do the little card-making, card-printing thing sometime in the future. i'm TOTALLY going to have her hook me up later. :)

afterwards, we check out love at first bite. i didn't get anything the last time i came here, and june treated me out to two cupcakes: green tea and red velvet. they look SO GOOD...but i still haven't tried them yet. they're still in the box on my desk. i shall devour them after finishing this blog. :)

it's so nice to just wander around with another person.
i'm blessed and thankful that it was june today. :)

we get cheeseboard and FINALLY set off to the marina. i BLAST "rain down" by jesusculture and both of us totally jam along. WHAT A GOOD SONG. :D

then we FINALLY get to our original destination. it was a little windy today but totally warm enough to sit on a bench and soak in the sun. we were both STARVING, so we just went straight for the food and decided to take pictures later. :)

before starting coaching, june asked if we could just sit and listen for a good 15 minutes. i love it that my buddy thinks the very same thing i'm thinking. :)

june lies down on the bench, while i bust out my camera and take some pictures (click!).

then we talk about evangelism, today's topic for coaching. i remember being the most uncomfortable with this section the last time i went through coaching, so i was a bit nervous. but i think God has placed certain people in both of our hearts and we've shared about it since the beginning of coaching, so it was good to hear how God is moving in our hearts. it helps a lot to have someone check up on me and reremind me of how God gives us chances to share the goodness of Jesus to those around us.

since we set a timelimit to our little venture from 11am-2pm, and since it was already 2:30, we decide to call it a day and to just come back and play another day. june tells me that she's thankful that i'm her coach, and i tell her that I'M thankful that she's my coachee. then we both tell each other that we both talk behind each other's back about each other.

oh june, how you make my heart laugh. :)

anyway. i drop june off and decide that i kinda want to drive for a little while longer. i tried to go up to the lawrence hall of science cause i just felt like it would be GORGEOUS to drive through the hills when the leaves were changing colors, but they closed off the roads for the cal game. oh well. another day. :p

i don't turn on hearst, but continue down gayley. i don't actually know where i am, but decide to just float around. then i end up in the park behind cheeseboard and decide to walk around and take pictures. (click!)

i think i really like taking pictures of flowers and paths. so random, i don't know, but God comforts my heart whenever i do. interesting. :p

anyway. after walking a couple blocks, i come back down to my car. i suddenly remember about indian rock and start driving off towards kensington. the last time i went there was with kathleen, so it brought good memories.

so i'm driving up to the marin circle turns out...i don't actually KNOW how to get there. :p all i remember is that it's near where my ex lived, so i drive up this hill, but it turns out, i don't remember where he lives either. dang. :p i just drive around a bit more, and finally FIND it, but i was kinda already ready for a nap and decide to come back another time.

maybe i'll pull someone else along. :)

yessss. i just had a very very VERY good day today (to be concluded by a VERY good nap) and so i'm writing here now, uploading pictures, to report back to my lovelies. :)

i am very RICHLY BLESSED. thank you jesus. :)

to conclude. it's not from today, but i just like this picture.
i took it walking home one day. i live at the end of it. :)

(i think i'm either getting sick or healing from it, so please pray for me. thanks!! :) )

1 comment:

  1. aww...sounds like a wonderful sabbath! and i love your pictures! you and june are so cute together ;)
