Sunday, June 13, 2010


not whether i'm qualified
(cause jesus equips the called),
not what i can get out of it
(cause jesus calls us to give, not take),
not whether i can afford to
(cause jesus provides my daily bread daily),
not whether this is the right time
(cause jesus is the master of kairos),
not whether it'll be easy
(cause jesus calls us to the way of the cross),
not whether it makes sense
(cause jesus throws a wrench into reason),
not whether i will be recognized for what i do
(cause jesus' ministry was done in obscurity),
not whether others will criticize me
(cause jesus guarantees tension),
not whether i will find joy or peace
(cause jesus is the source),

but how i can best serve jesus and his sheep:
in obedience to his voice, through his spirit.

obedience doesn't wait til jesus asks us to do something BIG.
obedience comes when we say yes to him NOW,
yes to him DAILY.

can i say 'yes'?

oh spirit, help me.

I'll say Yes! Lord, Yes!
To Your will and to Your way.
I'll say Yes! Lord, Yes!
I will trust You and obey.

When Your Spirit speaks to me,
with my whole heart I'll agree.
And my answer will be Yes, Lord, Yes!

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