Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Fall of Rest

just some notes from today's AWESOME sermon. :)

Genesis 3:1-19

the origin of restlessness, busyness = sin.

what is sin?
- disobedience:
settling for leaves when God has fruit in store for your life.

- trampling on other people to make yourself elevated or safe.

you can't rest when there is
no peace in the community,
no peace with your neighbor.

"I am just as good as you."
"I am better than you."

i need to control what others think about me --> restlessness.

how can we find rest in this?
1) hold on to the promises of God.
"Did God really say...?" = pshhhh. --> making God a liar.

believing in the lie, not in the promises of God.

2) in your rest, find yourself in the presence of God.
even when Adam fell, God still walked in the garden.
walked = being a friend.

maybe if they didn't hide,
there would have been grace since Creation.

to rest is not to hide.
rest is to walk with God.

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