Friday, March 13, 2009

sabbath i heart!! :)

today started out quite uneventfully. after class, i had NO IDEA what to do. usually around this time on fridays i at least have some sense of which direction to go. but today? eh. i went straight to bear's lair cause i was HUNGRY. got the usual regular soft taco (i'm surprised i'm not sick of it yet :p) and sat for a good while. i figured i'd be doing some read-cs lewis-at-a-cafe today, but it turns out that's not what God had in mind. i needed some quiet today...but where to find it? i walked up to strada, but it was like HECKA PACKED, so i quickly walked by and went to sweethearts cause i suddenly craved some pepero...or pocky. whichever. :p

so i got meself a box and some boba and wandered around for a quiet place to sit and...sit. i ended up going to memorial glade, which turns out was pretty packed as well. but i didn't really wanna walk anymore, so i just picked a spot and sat.

it was a purty gorgeous day with the sun and clear skies and all, but for some reason i didn't want to look at anything. i just wanted to listen. so i laid back and covered my eyes with my hoodie and did just that.

...and mang, how good it felt. i just listened to the different sounds around me - people chattering, birds chirping, breeze breezing, etc. all in pitch darkness. hee. quite the stuff. :)

i did that for a good 45 minutes and then sat back up. suddenly i had a craving to draw. what to draw, i didn't know. but i stared at my journal for a good two minutes and this is what came out:

it was a pretty quick sketch, and soon again i looked around for things to draw, but none seemed quite right.

then a cool thought came to mind, so i put let my pencil run:

the right hand (as you could guess) was HECKA hard to draw. :p
i was planning on doing one of those picture-in-a-picture-in-a-picture thing, but by the time i was done with this, it got pretty cold (and i could no longer stand the obnoxiously loud people who came halfway through drawing this :p). so i packed my bag and came home.

i used to draw a lot when i was a kid, but somehow i stopped.
thank God for reminding me of how fun it is!!:)

i came into my room and was surprised (but not really) of how quiet it was - much more than where i walked around today . it was weird how this whole time i looked for a quiet place to sit, when all i had to do was just come home. anyway. i opened my box of pepero (which i will compare with pocky sometime in my life to see which one is better...if indeed there is a difference. :p) and read some mere christianity until genaster got hungry for sushi.

we debated between minami (the place in front of asian ghetto) and nanairo (the place on our block) and decided to try the latter. it turns out, BAD CHOICE. i got my usual - grilled salmon skin/cucumber roll, hamachi/green onion roll, and two-piece mackerel, but was kinda disappointed. i'm not super pro with sushi, but the rice was weird, the rice-sashimi balance was off, and (gasp) the mackerel wasn't fresh. tsk tsk. i gave the place a 6/10, and when the waitress took away my miso soup when i didn't even finish it, i gave it a 5.

...but gena decided to treat me out. that bumped it up to a 7. :)

afterwards, we decided to walk off our less-than-ideal meal by wandering along shattuck, and ended up going to the nearby local bookstore. <3. i, as usual, went directly to the children's corner and found these $3 lovelies. :)

(you could read them when you come over. kekeke. :D)

yessum. today was quite a delightful day. didn't expect for today to turn out the way it did, but hey, that's how every sabbath has been, so, keke thanks God i heart!! :)


  1. hoo ray for sunny days out on memorial glade =)

  2. HAROLD! and yay drawing. i suck but it's fun. i think i like your animal/tree combo thingy.
