Monday, August 17, 2009

how productive am i.

i finished three books during my stay here: "courage and calling" by gordon t. smith, "boundaries" by henry cloud and john townsend and "the weight of glory" by c.s. lewis. out of my two-books-a-month new year's resolution for a total of 24, i think i've now finished...8. not bad! only...16 more to go. :p it's ok if it's already nearing september, let's do ittttt :D

it's been getting progressively harder to blog since i've been here in korea. i think i'm losing consistency since i'm not in front of the computer all the time like i was back in the states. for one, i've been here, there, everywhere, going to the aquarium, watching performances and musicals, visiting relatives, playing video games with my dad, going screen golfing, watching failing at going to the local theme park three times, going shopping like every other day, watching weird korean tv shows, listening to stories about my mom and my dad when they were my age (kekeke :DDD), taking midnight walks with my banana milk, etc. etc. for another, i haven't really had a stable internet connection. i usually go to the starbucks next door since they have free internet, but paying $3.50 for an americano everyday is kinda much. :p i've been mooching off starbucks internet from the fourth floor of my dad's apartment building, but have had a less-than-ideal success rate combatting five or six mosquitoes with either my bare hands (i think i'm getting pretty good at it. caught another last night in midair. :D) or with my flipflops as a last resort. after two weeks of being here, i discovered that i get some connection in my dad's livingroom...but to use it requires be to keep the laptop on top of the oven on top of the microwave on top of the windowsill at a specific angle and at specific location (luckily not at a specific time of day). consequently i have to stand on my feet in order to use the internet. even in writing this blog (which i'm guessing has taken at least ten to fifteen minutes), my poor knees are starting to ache.

anyway. there is so much to process, so much to think about, and not enough of an appropriate venue to do it in. i would blog about it (selectively), but doing so would keel my knees. :p i would journal about it, but i'm still making excuses about my horrid handwriting and whatnot. i sometimes get scared of journaling. i don't know why. i just do. :p

yep. oh my how things have changed. what a crazy Dad i have. :)

a shoutout to my lovely sister and friend sarah choi!!
(i will write you a reply email...soon. :p)

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