Thursday, April 30, 2009

myers-briggs, you fail me yet again. :p


Extraverted (E) 50%Introverted (I) 50%
Sensing (S) 50%Intuitive (N) 50%
Feeling (F) 85%Thinking (T) 15%
Perceiving (P) 86%Judging (J) 14%




two months ago:

Extraverted (E) 54% Introverted (I) 46%
Intuitive (N) 64% Sensing (S) 36%
Feeling (F) 85% Thinking (T) 15%
Perceiving (P) 55% Judging (J) 45%

Strength of the preferences %
22 12 88 33


so. an F for sure. yayyy. :)

sigh. maybe i'm bipolar. or tripolar. or nonpolar. :p

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A.C.K. a short blog for today!

...that rhymed! yay! :p

things to do. checklist shall we?

- buy plane ticket.
- go back home a couple more times to play with dad.
- drink more wine. eat more cheese.
- stop playing phone tag with gloria.
- QACon. the WHOLE day. sigh. my saturday. :'(
- record song.
- date eunice. FINALLY.
- nic app.
- werk for monies to pay for nic.
- kathleen's birthday.
- tim be told.
- ps3 homework. SIGHHHH.
- last wisex meeting/potluck.
- last q&a meeting.
- j100 final.
- uc orchestra.
- catch up on three weeks' worth of reading. SIGH.
- 2.5 finals.

i can't wait til my sabbath. sigh.

Friday, April 24, 2009

new song! :)

finally. that took a while. :p
click on the title to listen to this very rough recording. enjoy! :)

If You Tell Me – Gcap6

Verse 1:
What’s the plan You have for me?
Where’s the place that I will be?
I know that everyone has a calling they’ve receive
But tell me, what’s the one You have for me?

Verse 2:
I won’t accept mediocrity
I won’t take what the world gives me
I don’t want to settle when You have
All these things for me
So tell me, what’s Your plan for me?

Chorus 1:
If you tell me to swim the ocean
To the other side
If you tell me to climb a mountain
On these weary feet of mine
I know that You go before me
So I’ll follow right behind You
Your will be done in my life

Verse 3:
I don’t know what You see
I don’t know what You have for me
But I know that Your word is a lamp unto my feet
So show me where my next few steps should be

Chorus 2:
If you tell me to swim the ocean
To the other side
If you tell me to climb a mountain
On these weary feet of mine
I know that You’ll give me more than
All the things I leave behind
Your will be done in my life

Verse 4:
In Your time, I will see
In Your time, You will show me
The calling, the plan, the direction
The life You have for me
So here I am, I sit here at your feet
Your will be done in me

Thursday, April 23, 2009

what i'm learning through coaching

omg the coaching manual is AMAZING. yay!


i'm still all over the place, and might find myself on the opposite side of the spectrum in terms of how i use my money. i don't really have a problem with giving; rather i might have a problem with giving recklessly or giving too much (if this is, indeed, possible). i've drained my bank account with weekly offerings (perhaps more than what may be considered "appropriate"), tithes, the (gorgeous) painting i bought for nicaragua, expenses from my last nic trip, unexpected expenses for school and people, food, etc.

recently i have been scraping the bottom of the barrel, so i've tried making adjustments: buying one meal to serve as two (or skipping meals altogether), getting the dollar cheeseburger and two-for-a-dollar apple pies from mcdonalds every monday, having the $2.70 (now $2.73) regular soft taco from bear's lair for lunch pretty much every day of the week, settling for house coffee when i'm tempted to get the mocha (or the white mocha that everyone's been raving about), forgoing outings with friends that might involve expenses i can't afford, and so on.

even last night, i didn't want to get food from the ghetto (prices just seem to be rising higher and higher. sigh.), so i decided to go across the street to house of curries to get some naan. but when i saw that it was $1.65, i left to get the $1 one at naan n' curry. sigh. just to save a dollar.

as such, i tried thinking of ways i could make my bank account one point i even considered ending my support for my compassion child (i REBUKE this thought in the name of Jesus!!). i didn't want to have to constantly ask for money from my parents, not that i think that they'll get mad or they won't provide, but because i feel like i need to learn some sense of responsibility and develop some wisdom in how i use my resources.

growing up in a family that isn't so success-oriented, i didn't grow up wanting a lot of money. i loved and love my family just the way it is - low middle class. things are comfortable, and i can't ask for more, and it's liberating not having to worry about getting the newest version of the macbook/ipod/iphone or being able to live in a big, huge house when i grow up. my ipod finally died after being trampled on last summer, but i don't mind that it did. and the day is approaching for me to put my laptop to sleep, but i'm not freaking about it (besides maybe that i might lose my lecture notes if it crashes). i might get a car next year, but i don't really care what kind it is or whether it's new or fancy or whatnot - as long as it knows how to run. :p

while it's been liberating not having to worry about having more, it's also been liberating to give. it's weird calling myself generous, but i feel like God has made my heart this way - and several people have confirmed this. i feel little hesitation in giving - whether for offering, supporting others for missions (I'M SO EXCITED FOR OUR CHURCH THIS SUMMER!! WOOT!!), treating others out to dinner, buying that superexpensive painting (which i'm not even going to keep :p) to provide for the well we built, and the like. i love giving, to the point where i think it could be one of my talents. the widow with her two pennies? she's AWESOME, and i strive to be more like her. "for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 corinthians 9:7).

but things have come to the point where i can't do that anymore. i don't have money for offering - i put in whatever cash i have in my pocket on sunday; i don't know how much i could support those going on missions; i can't treat others out to dinner (though i REALLY REALLY want to); i don't have enough to make this month's payment for the painting; and i don't have the $100 to make a deposit for nic (i still owe my mom $300 for the last one).

sigh. it's all so humbling. it makes me wonder if it's possible to be an irresponsible steward by giving too much. or is what i'm doing okay and pleasing to the Lord? should i continue what i'm doing?

my friend told me last night that there are other ways to give to the Kingdom than giving to the church. having fellowship with people inevitably costs money, and (even though i would like to think that it isn't) my lack of money is becoming a hindrance in my relationships with others, especially those who have yet to know the love of God. so, for the time being, my plan is to divert my offerings into a "fellowship pool". we'll see how that goes. :p

i don't often hear about people who are in a situation like mine, so it makes it difficult to figure out whether i need to change my way of doing things, and if so, how. suggestions anyone? :p

on a similar note, it didn't occur to me that i am also pretty bad at stewarding my time. i thought i was doing well in this area, considering how much time i spend in community and in fellowship through small groups, church, study hangouts, etc. but my week is so packed with meetings and whatnot (particularly with church people) that i find myself being super inflexible when unexpected invitations come along. it's so hard for me to find a time in my week to meet up with people (i have still yet to meet up with my friend, and we've been trying for four months. :p).

so. for next semester, i'm going to commit to a LOT less things so that God could do his work in the spontaneous. all y'all who are dying to go on a date with me, yay for you. :)

we are to live a life that bears fruit.

Monday, April 20, 2009

cause God is AWESOME. :)

sigh. i really gots to write this paper. :p
what i did for my sabbath this past friday:
i participated in the Day of Silence, a rally meant to "bring attention to the name-calling, bullying and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) students and their allies." participants go on a silent march wearing ribbons on their arms and tape on their mouths, passing out leaflets that say:
"Please understand my reasons for not speaking today. I am participating in the Day of Silence (DOS), a national youth movement bringing attention to the silence faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their allies. My deliberate silence echoes that silence, which is cauesd by anti-LGBT bullying, name-calling and harassment. I believe that ending the silence is the first step toward building awareness and making a commitment to address to these injustices. Think about the voices you are not hearing today."

it turns out that two weeks ago, on april 9th, an 11-year-old boy hung himself because of anti-gay bullying. and here's the thing: this boy did not identify himself as gay. homophobia transcends boundaries and affects even those who are not directly affiliated with the LGBT community. here's the article if you're interested:
when i woke up friday morning, i did not imagine myself to be really participating in this march, or at least to the extent i did. i simply thought i was just going drop by and say hello to some familiar faces.

...but it turns out that God had a different plan for me:
He wanted me to be engaged, to go deeper.

it was somewhat nervewrecking when i placed the tape over my mouth. i was unconsciously thinking of numerous reasons for me not to continue, for me to take it off.

...but good thing God pulled me through it all.

to bulletpoint the rest:
  • as i marched, i passed out a lot of leaflets to people i knew: iv and livingwater folks. i saw a lot of confused expressions as they clearly knew who i was and clearly knew that this was not something we (christians) normally do.
  • during the march, i decided to do a prayer walk, for this campus, for the LGBT community, for the church.
    that prayer could be spoken in silence.
  • UIC (unity in christ) apparently was planning on having worship on the same day, at the same time, and at the same place. many of us (christians) were nervous because of the possibility that hostility might break out between the two communities, but God was in the midst of it all. as i concluded my march, i came and sat next to my brothers and sisters, in front of the DOS tent, tape still covering my mouth.
    ...i suppose this is what the strengthfinder test meant when i was a "bridge builder for people of different cultures".
to copy off what my friend said over gchat:
he said that uic wanted to have worship
etc etc
but then jamie emailed him
telling him that day of silence was also that day
and they didnt know that
so they talked about it and some ppl wanted to cancel it
cause they were scared of the conflict
but david felt that they should just do it and respect them when they get there
so he said they were just worshipping
and then when the march came in front of them
like literally in front of them
they stopped playing
and i duno if they were nervous or not
but then joanne kim was there (hi jojo)
a clear part of the march
and she had red tape on her mouth
and she sat down with the worship team
or they talked to you or something (? you had tape on your mouth so i duno how that happened)
so it ended up being friendly
cause they could see that you were with them as well
LOL you go jojo
and that someone from their march
came and gave them ribbons and stuff

how crazy it is for me to be here. i would have never imagined for me to be here a year ago. PTL!! :)

and, to commemorate it all!! :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

my "talents" :)

i probably shouldn't be doing this right now, but i gotta write it down somewhere before i forget. :p
_______________________________________________ it turns out that there is a difference between "strength" and "talent". according to gallup's clifton strengthsfinder:

"strength": the ability to consistently produce a nearly perfect positive outcome in a specific task.
"talent": a natural way of thinking, feeling or behaving.

strength comes when you invest in a talent. your talents are your greatest opportunities for success. you can build strengths by identifying your greatest talents, then refining them with knowledge and skills.

the strengthsfinder test helps me to discover and identify what i naturally do best by giving me a list of my top five (out of a possible 34) "talents" or themes. people have a tendency to focus on things to improve - things we are bad at. but this test highlights things that we are naturally good at so that we could invest in these talents and reach our potential. knowing the results won't automatically make me super pro at something, but it is a starting point.

i took the test with a little skepticism, remembering the time i took the myers-briggs test four times (in one sitting) and getting four different results. but i was pretty shocked to see my results: it got me dead-on.

...of course, there is selective reading: i tend to see or notice things that seem to fit and ignore or overlook things that don't. but, despite that, i feel like these five "talents" or themes pretty accurately put into words the essence of who i naturally am.
(if you don't agree with these results, i guess there's more of me for me (and you) to find out. :D)

these five talents (in order) are:

You can sense the emotions of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though their feelings are your own. Intuitively, you are able to see the world through their eyes and share their perspective. You do not necessarily agree with each person's perspective. You do not necessarily feel pity for each person's predicament - this would be sympathy, not Empathy. You do not necessarily condone the choices each person makes, but you do understand. This instinctive abilty to understand is powerful. You hear the unvoiced questions. You anticipate the need. Where others grapple for words, you seem to find the right words and the right tone. You help people find the right phrases to express their feelings - to themselves as well as to others. You help them give voice to their emotional life. For all these reasons other people are drawn to you.

Things happen for a reason. You are sure of it. You are sure of it because in your soul you know that we are all connected. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger. Some may call it the collective unconscious. Others may label it spirit or life force. But whatever your word of choice, you gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it. This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilties. If we are all part of a larger picture, then we must not harm others because we will be harming ourselves. We must not exploit because we will be exploiting ourselves. Your awareness of these responsibilities creates your value system. You are considerate, caring, and accepting. Certain of the unity of humankind, you are a bridge builder for people of different cultures. Sensitive to the invisible hand, you can give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond our humdrum lives. The exact articles of your faith will depend on your upbringing and your culture, but your faith is strong. It sustains you and your close friends in the face of life's mysteries.

You are generous with praise, quick to smile, and always on the lookout for the positive in the situation. Some call you lighthearted. Others wish that their glass were as full as yours seems to be. But either way, people want to be around you. Their world looks better around you because your enthusiasm is contagious. Lacking your energy and optimism, some find their world drab with repitition or, worse, heavy with pressure. You seem to find a way to lighten their spirit. You inject drama into every project. You celebrate every achievement. You find ways to make everything more exciting and more vital. Some cynics may reject your energy, but you are rarely dragged down. Your Positivity won't allow it. Somehow you can't quite escape your conviction that it is good to be alive, that work can be fun, and that no matter what the setbacks, one must never lose one's sense of humor.

You see the potential in others. Very often, in fact, potential is all you see. In your view no individual is fully formed. On the contrary, each individual is a work in progress, alive with possibilities. And you are drawn toward people for this very reason. When you interact with others, your goal is to help them experience success. You look for ways to challenge them. You devise interesting experiences that can stretch them and help them grow. And all the while you are on the lookout for the signs of growth - a new behavior learned or modified, a slight improvement in a skill, a glimpse of excellence or of "flow" where previously there are only halting steps. For you these small increments - invisible to some - are clear signs of potential being realized. These signs of growth in others are your fuel. They bring you strength and satisfaction. Over time many will seek you out for help and encouragement because on some level they know that your helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling to you.

You live in the moment. You don't see the future as a fixed destination. Instead, you see it as a place that you create out of the choices that you make right now. And so you discover your future one choice at a time. This doesn't mean that you don't have plans. You probably do. But this theme of Adaptability does enable to respond willingly to the demands of the moment even if they pull you away from your plans. Unlike some, you don't resent sudden requests or unforeseen detours. You expect them. They are inevitable. Indeed, on some level you actually look forward to them. You are, at heart, a very flexible person who can stay productive when the demands of work are pulling you in different directions at once.

having a list of these five themes does not mean that i don't have any of the remaining 29. it simply means that the five listed above are my dominant ones. and now that i know what they are, i could focus on developing them to reach my potential.

finally, instead of focusing on what i'm bad at (something i'm so naturally inclined to do), i could focus on and develop what i'm naturally talented at. you know. put a positive spin on things for a change (ha!).

...but these all still thoughts in my head. i still don't have a clue about how i'm going to implement or exercise these talents.
(but i suppose that's expected since i'm not very high on the "Activator" theme. :p)

nonetheless. all this is for another day and for another blog.
time to get back on that paper!! :)

shoutout to calvin!! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

don't wanna studyyyyy pt. 2

just in case you were wondering:

ok. two lies and a truth. go!! :)

1) i study the best when i'm lying on my bed. kekekeeee

my bed is where i am most productive. it kicks sacks and u2 pretty hard. it just depends on the time of day (2am is my peak hour? :p)

...on a side note my bed is also where i can be most unproductive. but the statement above still holds! :)

2) i don't like listening to other people's music.
i prefer to stick to my own stash of songs. :)

i like finding out what other people listen to, cause to some degree you could tell what kind of person they are, personality they have, things they like, etc. etc. i don't necessarily have to like their music, but it's pretty interesting to know what people listen to. :)

3) i wish i was taller. and faster. and less weaksauce. :p

i could care less. i pretty awesome as i am, God could testify. :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

why did that have to be a dream...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

coffee makes me crazy

i have half an hour left before my midterm, but am totally not in the mood to study. a couple of random things are on my mind, and i might as well write them down cause i ain't gonna get any work done anyway. :p

- i wanna music. i want to learn how to sing better. i want to learn how to guitar better. i want to learn how to creative better.
(bad grammar don't bother me as much as it does some of y'all. :p)

i want to tap into the creative/artsy side of me, if there is one. part of me keeps saying, "you're ok, but you're not THAT good." whatever. i might not be, but i love it.

i want music to be (one place) where i encounter God.

- i still don't know what my calling is. and i don't think i'm meant to find out only after a couple days of searching. but this is what i came across...i remembered the theme verse for urbana06:

"As a prisoner of the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received." [Ephesians 4:1]

i had finished the book of job recently and needed another book to read, and as soon as i remembered this verse, i decided to read ephesians. AND IT WAS SO GOOD. there were a lot of different things that were pretty profound, but on the topic of "calling", this is what i came across:

"It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." [4:11-13]

we each have our own calling. i have my own calling set out for me. you have your own calling set out for you. i was not meant to be an apostle and a prophet and an evangelist and a pastor and a teacher and whatever else. i was not meant to be you.

i simply have to become what God called me to be.

how liberating is that

"From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." [v.16]

the whole body will grow and build itself in love as each part does its work. as we all pursue and find and live out the calling God has set aside for each of us, the whole body of Christ will grow together and attain to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

how crazy is that. :)

sigh. time for my midterm. yay. :p

good luck me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

recording to come later. :p

Lost for Words – Gcap5

Verse 1:
You find me when I am lost for words
You find me when I am lost for words
You find me when I am lost for words
You find me when I am lost for words

Cause maybe You were waiting for me to be still
Maybe You were waiting for me to stop
Maybe You were waiting for me to quiet down
And let go of the things I’ve got

Verse 2:
I have no words to say any more
I am ready to ask for Yours
I have no words to say any more
I am ready to listen to Yours

Saturday, April 11, 2009

thank God there is grace. :)

God brought magee (in the red) and me together last summer at chapter camp through the song he gave me that very morning: "listen". originally, this song didn't make much sense to me...but apparently it did to her. after seven years of rejecting her passion, magee finally found freedom in God to dance.

...and God brought us together again for a collaboration piece for this year's exposed.

i think the stage was a lot smaller than we expected. and i messed up here and there. :p but THANK GOD we believe in a God that finds our mistakes and moments of vulnerability, moments when we are exposed, to be beautiful. :)

i know that God was and is still stirring something in our hearts even outside of that moment.

PTL. :)


i can't wait to have a kid. :)

Friday, April 10, 2009

yay for Love

...somehow i stumbled upon this article today.

right after reading this and a couple of related websites, so many thoughts and questions came to mind.

i didn't intend for me to read these things today, on my sabbath.
...but somehow i did.

"Our message to this evil world is that God hates you."

i got sick of reading this as my heart became heavy with lots of different emotions. so i checked gmail to see if i got anything new. ...and this is what i saw as kat mak's gchat status:

"jesus loves me this i know".

i don't know what to say or how to express the thoughts of my heart. i wish i could. but i just can't.

...but, for now, i will hold on to this truth that

Jesus so loves me,
Jesus so loves you,
Jesus so loves the world in its entirety,

to the point of giving us all of himself,
to the point of taking on all of God's wrath that we so deserved,
to the point of experiencing all of Hell and coming back,

so that i could learn what true love means,
so that i could learn to love God who is Love,
so that i could learn to love me,
so that i could learn to love you,
so that i could learn to love the world in its entirety.

He loves us THAT MUCH.

...dang times infinity.

THANK GOD that he has a heart that is big enough for all of me,
all of us, and all our baggage.

...funny that i stumbled upon all this today of all days.
PTL for Good Friday. :)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whosoever believes in him shall not perish
but have everlasting life." [John 3:16]

Thursday, April 9, 2009


i am waiting. waiting for a Kingdom breakthrough.

with all this madness going on , it's crazy how i could still have so much peace. that is not to say that i don't care about these things - the global economy and the social problems that are aggravated by it - or that these things don't matter. no.
these things do matter.

it matters
that people are losing their jobs and sources of income. it matters that there are people in this world who have lost a sense of hope and have resorted to acts of immediate satisfaction, indulging themselves in substance, sex or violence, regardless of how that will affect themselves or those around them. it matters that there are people who find no reason to live and choose to end their own lives - as well as the lives of others.

of course, this is not to say that i care about everything. i can't. it is impossible for me to care about all the things of this world because my heart is just not that big.

...but THANK GOD we believe in a God whose heart is.

in the midst of all this, i am in peace,
and i don't really know why.

and in the midst of all this, i am in anticipation,
and i don't really know why.

i feel like something is going to happen. something crazy. but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be anything BIG. God is in the business of surprises, and i can't wait to see how his glory is going to be revealed - to me, to my community, to this world.

i'm waiting on God to reveal what he's trying to say.
i'm waiting on God to reveal what i need to understand.
i'm waiting on God to reveal his glory.

[i felt weird about writing this entry. i don't find myself to be very eloquent, so i don't really know whether i was even really able to convey the thoughts in my heart. but i hope that you could show grace to me in reading this. :)]

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

still clueless.

what is my calling?

Saturday, April 4, 2009

"let go and let God."

words of wisdom from honest tea.

"courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the judgment that something else is
more important than fear."

- ambrose redmoon

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

don't wanna studyyyyy

ok. two lies and a truth. go!! :)

1) i study the best when i'm lying on my bed. kekekeeee
2) i don't like listening to other people's music.
i prefer to stick to my own stash of songs. :)
3) i wish i was taller. and faster. and less weaksauce. :p