Friday, April 10, 2009

yay for Love

...somehow i stumbled upon this article today.

right after reading this and a couple of related websites, so many thoughts and questions came to mind.

i didn't intend for me to read these things today, on my sabbath.
...but somehow i did.

"Our message to this evil world is that God hates you."

i got sick of reading this as my heart became heavy with lots of different emotions. so i checked gmail to see if i got anything new. ...and this is what i saw as kat mak's gchat status:

"jesus loves me this i know".

i don't know what to say or how to express the thoughts of my heart. i wish i could. but i just can't.

...but, for now, i will hold on to this truth that

Jesus so loves me,
Jesus so loves you,
Jesus so loves the world in its entirety,

to the point of giving us all of himself,
to the point of taking on all of God's wrath that we so deserved,
to the point of experiencing all of Hell and coming back,

so that i could learn what true love means,
so that i could learn to love God who is Love,
so that i could learn to love me,
so that i could learn to love you,
so that i could learn to love the world in its entirety.

He loves us THAT MUCH.

...dang times infinity.

THANK GOD that he has a heart that is big enough for all of me,
all of us, and all our baggage.

...funny that i stumbled upon all this today of all days.
PTL for Good Friday. :)

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whosoever believes in him shall not perish
but have everlasting life." [John 3:16]

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