Thursday, April 9, 2009


i am waiting. waiting for a Kingdom breakthrough.

with all this madness going on , it's crazy how i could still have so much peace. that is not to say that i don't care about these things - the global economy and the social problems that are aggravated by it - or that these things don't matter. no.
these things do matter.

it matters
that people are losing their jobs and sources of income. it matters that there are people in this world who have lost a sense of hope and have resorted to acts of immediate satisfaction, indulging themselves in substance, sex or violence, regardless of how that will affect themselves or those around them. it matters that there are people who find no reason to live and choose to end their own lives - as well as the lives of others.

of course, this is not to say that i care about everything. i can't. it is impossible for me to care about all the things of this world because my heart is just not that big.

...but THANK GOD we believe in a God whose heart is.

in the midst of all this, i am in peace,
and i don't really know why.

and in the midst of all this, i am in anticipation,
and i don't really know why.

i feel like something is going to happen. something crazy. but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be anything BIG. God is in the business of surprises, and i can't wait to see how his glory is going to be revealed - to me, to my community, to this world.

i'm waiting on God to reveal what he's trying to say.
i'm waiting on God to reveal what i need to understand.
i'm waiting on God to reveal his glory.

[i felt weird about writing this entry. i don't find myself to be very eloquent, so i don't really know whether i was even really able to convey the thoughts in my heart. but i hope that you could show grace to me in reading this. :)]

1 comment:

  1. Amen!

    And I'd say your words came through :)

    I thank God too, that He cares about everyone and everything. That's one tough job, and I'm glad it's not mine!
