Tuesday, September 29, 2009

a play on words.

some pairs are easier to distinguish than others. it's just kinda interesting to think about super late at night/super early in the morning. :p

faithless vs. unfaithful.

with faith vs. faithful.

childlike vs. childish.

dissatisfied vs. unsatisfied. (i don't get this one :p)

disqualified vs. unqualified.

chembio vs. biochem. (don't get this one either. :p)

...are there any more? 6am brain just don't do the job. :p

Monday, September 28, 2009

on a happier note...

my mama got a bug bite, and we ran out of the anti-itch benadryl ointment thing...so she crushed the edible tablets and mixed it with lotion...and you get the idea.

HAHAHA i'm my mama's daughter, proud of it what whatttt :DDD

Sunday, September 27, 2009


as a senior (yes, i finally am one), i feel seriously stuck in between the college group and young adult. you may say, well DUH, but yeah...sometimes i feel like i'm part of neither group. actually, all the time. i don't think i've ever really been a part of the college group (yes i have gone to events and have gotten along with some of the other college kids), and i'm obviously not a part of young adult, even though maybe half the people there think i already graduated. =.=a

anyway, this friday kinda confirmed this feeling of being neither here nor there. there was some misunderstanding about my tabling for missions at the young adult connect dinner, and so i ended up going as a young-adulter. i wasn't really planning on going to sf with the college group to begin with (sorry dudes, i'm not a fan of sf :p), so i wasn't bummed out when i (thought that i) was asked to table for YA, but was honestly a little excited and curious about how things at YA would be. you know. like a sneak peak.

i ended class early, so i waited at sacks until it was time to set-up. i forgot to make copies for the fliers that i made, but i found out that there was a copy center right next to 7-eleven. i went, passing by the church lawn to see the college kids congregated to head off to sf. they were still around by the time i finished making copies and came back, so i mingled for a little bit.

as expected, the people there were mostly newcomers, freshmen, sophomores, the younger crew. i don't really have any problems with this, and i should celebrate that God has been faithful to our church in bringing these people into our family, but in my honest heart i was a little sad...sad there was no one in a similar stage of life, sad that gena and kat mak and others were already in their next stage of life, sad that i didn't really have a community here in the college group.

consequently, i naturally looked forward to going to the young adult large group to see more familiar faces. but it turns out, i didn't find what i was expecting. there were a lot of people i've never met, never seen before, and a lot of people that i knew that i was hoping to see didn't come...PT's style of leading is definitely different from joey's or PJ's or letty's, and there was a definite difference in dynamic within the group. which was all FINE because it signifies that God has also been gracious to our young adult ministry in growing it...but it was so unsettling. furthermore, i had a feeling (at least just inside my head) that others were thinking, "why are you here? you're not young adult".

it sometimes scares me to think of going into young adult, not because of all the responsibilities and whatever of growing up, but because since i feel like people i feel more close to are moving ahead while i'm stuck here, by the time i actually get into young adult, everyone's going to be so much far ahead of me. and by the time i get there, it's not like the small senior class we have is all of a sudden going to blow up and i'll have people my age poppin up here and there. realistically, that's just what i think.

in this whole thing, i feel like i'm being left behind, and it makes me choke up sometimes. one of the things i thought i had gotten over (at least a lot more than how i used to be) was the notion of being alone. you know, people always say "God is right here with you", "you're never really alone" and whatnot, and yes, i do believe that. but while i believe that God created us to be in a relationship with him, i also believe that God created us to be in relationships with those around us. sometimes i honestly think that the answers given above are irresponsible cop-out answers. :p

yeah. i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing. i used to just hide these feelings to myself, and that got me into serious trouble a couple times. i'm not going to deny it or pretend that it doesn't exist anymore. this is my honest struggle, something i need to wrestle with God about.


i'm so tired. i wish there was something to help me transition better. but sometimes i think, because i don't even know if i'm going to stick around after i graduate, should i even bother?

Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.
My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you.
[Psalm 42:5-6]

Friday, September 25, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009


i am 90% sure that i am going to drop this class...90% because i know taking this class is going to make me suffer in my other classes as well, and 10% because i know dropping this class is going to put me below units and place an extra class on my list of courses-to-take-to-graduate.

i am so in an ACK phase right now. this is all so unsettling because i have SO MUCH to do yet no answers as to what i should do. i looked up decals that i am shooting to get in, but all of them have already started as well. this is the fourth week of instruction, so it is highly unlikely that i could pull off the stunt i did with math 1b my freshman year when i decided to ditch engineering. (...maybe i should shoot for math 1a? =.=a)

sigh. i'm so frazzled. i want to do my best, but i'm hitting a wall.
jesus, i need your help and guidance and peace.

for the joy of the LORD is my strength. (nehemiah 8:10)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

...how did i know. =.=a

so...i just took this on a whim and thought,
"...what if i get badtzmaru?" =.=a

Joanne completed the quiz "Which Sanrio Character Are You?"
with the result Badtz-Maru.

You're Badtz-Maru. You tend to attract more attention than others with your mischievous personality, but you still come off as "cool" in everyone's opinion. You often dream of greatness in your future.

...ooooook. =.=a

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

bible verse of the year

Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
..........................................[Psalm 37:4]

i dare to dream.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i wonder...

so...i've looked up the different participants for the upcoming career fair, and i don't really feel any of them. except maybe peace corps. :p i can't imagine myself doing any of the internships that they offer, and i'm not too drawn to the whole "omgah we're like, the best company EVER" deal.

so...i started looking into peace corps, international justice mission, world vision and compassion. maybe i could start off with them and build experience? but then, i most likely need experience to gain experience...:p

i wonder, am i being to idealistic? am i not realistic enough?
is my head too up in the clouds?

or is this my way of being faithful? (i hope it is. duh. :p)

anyway. let's be faithful in the things i can do.

the rest is up to You, Dad.

If you tell me to swim the ocean
To the other side
If you tell me to climb a mountain
On these weary feet of mine
I know that You go before me
So I’ll follow right behind You
Your will be done in my life

to do list for when i get back home:

- get unjetlagged.
- deposit itouch check.
- watch wicked.
- burn nic dvds, print nic journal and pictures.
- get a credit card.
- get reimbursed for nic stuff.
- make monies for urbana + flight.
- make monies for nic or future missions.
- make an outline of what i want to do after i graduate. ACK.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the summer.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the spring.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the winter.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the fall.
- make monies to pay for all this.
- start checking off this list ASAP.

Monday, September 7, 2009

when did i become such a perfectionist?

i've been working on the nic dvd and journal for a total of about two months now, figuring how to work the systems, finding and fixing every single detail until i find something else wrong, checking the whole thing to see if everything's good (until i find something else that bugs me or catches my eye).

just with the journal, i finished writing it saturday night-sunday morning, forgoing sleep cause i was just in the right moment. i went to the copy center right afterwards before church, but so many things went wrong and so much money went to naught. i just told myself, "God, that's your money," and left it at that.

i came home yesterday, kinda bummed cause i didn't get to give it to people with the dvd as i had hoped. this morning, as soon as i woke up, i pulled out all the messed up copies and tried to figure out how to make it work with my and my sister's printer. and after another three hours, i finally produced the very first, non-messup copy of the journal. *cross fingers*

i don't think i've ever spent so much energy on any other schoolwork or project. i also don't think i've ever had as much fun as working on this project. just in writing the journal itself, it felt like i was traveling back in time and reexperiencing nic all over again, processing things that i didn't really have the chance to process. Thanks, Dad.

i've never known that i was such a perfectionist. or maybe i just started being one. or maybe it's only on things that actually really matter to me.

whatever the case, i just thought this whole thing was interesting.

i wanted this to be perfect, done to the best of my ability.

i gave it all i got, Dad.

dang that feels good.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

i lied.

...it takes me 20, not 30 minutes, to walk to school. :p

my earlier class got canceled today, so i decided to just walk to school. (probably would have taken me longer if i waited for the bus to come anyway. :p) anyway. it was pretty nice, got a chance to process the *shocking news* i learned of yesterday.

i've been debating on whether or not i should get a new ipod (RIP, my old one. :'() for a while now, but it's nice not having one sometimes. just to walk through the park (which is between my home and campus) without any soundtrack playing to distract me...quite the stuff yo. :)

yes. since school started, i thought i should just remind myself:

to do list for when i get back home:

- get unjetlagged.
- deposit itouch check.
- watch wicked.
- burn nic dvds, print nic journal and pictures.
- get a credit card.
- get reimbursed for nic stuff.
- make monies for urbana + flight.
- make monies for nic or future missions.
- make an outline of what i want to do after i graduate. ACK.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the summer.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the spring.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the winter.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the fall.
- make monies to pay for all this.
- start checking off this list ASAP.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

just showing off my favorite toy. :)

540-piece puzzle globe. took me half a day to do it without looking at the picture. the end. :)