Tuesday, September 8, 2009

i wonder...

so...i've looked up the different participants for the upcoming career fair, and i don't really feel any of them. except maybe peace corps. :p i can't imagine myself doing any of the internships that they offer, and i'm not too drawn to the whole "omgah we're like, the best company EVER" deal.

so...i started looking into peace corps, international justice mission, world vision and compassion. maybe i could start off with them and build experience? but then, i most likely need experience to gain experience...:p

i wonder, am i being to idealistic? am i not realistic enough?
is my head too up in the clouds?

or is this my way of being faithful? (i hope it is. duh. :p)

anyway. let's be faithful in the things i can do.

the rest is up to You, Dad.

If you tell me to swim the ocean
To the other side
If you tell me to climb a mountain
On these weary feet of mine
I know that You go before me
So I’ll follow right behind You
Your will be done in my life

to do list for when i get back home:

- get unjetlagged.
- deposit itouch check.
- watch wicked.
- burn nic dvds, print nic journal and pictures.
- get a credit card.
- get reimbursed for nic stuff.
- make monies for urbana + flight.
- make monies for nic or future missions.
- make an outline of what i want to do after i graduate. ACK.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the summer.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the spring.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the winter.
- make an outline of what i want to do in the fall.
- make monies to pay for all this.
- start checking off this list ASAP.

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